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Boldly, calmly and politely.

Share special moments together.

Born from connections between people

Make that once-in-a-lifetime event a reality



"You only live once." I would be grateful to have been able to work on a project with so many people during that time, and I would be more than happy if I could share those special "moments." I think the great thing about events is that you can get serious about working toward a single goal while interacting with a variety of people. Of course, I will seriously prepare with no regrets so as not to fail. Even if the content is the same every time, I always think about how I can contribute to the project with my experience and ideas. I always ask myself questions like: Is this traditional method really necessary? What is the best performance that can be achieved in this environment? Is this cost necessary? What is the goal of the project? I always ask myself these questions.


As the social situation changes, rapid transformation is required. Whether it's corporate PR, content distribution, SNS marketing, or EC strategy, we need to catch information from various genres on a daily basis, try new arrangements, and incorporate them into the production, management, and production of events and projects.

Events and projects always have restrictions. Within those restrictions, I will promote projects "boldly, calmly, and carefully" and strive to satisfy both clients and guests. Then, I will team up with the specialists (partners) around me to provide you with special "moments."


Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1987 / Born in Chiba Prefecture

March 2018 After leaving the event production company, became independent as a producer



2018-2023 Event production industry



Beverage manufacturers, IT manufacturers, industrial/product businesses, educational institutions, professional sports teams, Pilates, large exhibitions, brand POP UP, movie distribution, YouTube, BtoC events, etc.




・Event planning, production, and direction

・Stage production progress

・Video production, narration recording editing

・PR, SNS marketing​

・Art, stores, construction (studied under Mr. Shigeru Katayama)​



June 2023: Established Makunouchi, Inc

1987年 神奈川県生まれ / 千葉県出身
2018年 3月  イベント制作会社を退職後、producerとして独立


2018年 〜 2023年 イベントプロデュース業

飲料メーカー、ITメーカー、産業・製品事業、教育機関、プロスポーツチーム、ピラティス、大型展示会、ブランドPOP UP、映画配給、YouTube、BtoCイベント等






・美術、店舗、施工(片山 茂 氏 に師事)

2023年 6月    株式会社マクノウチ  設立​​




​湯山 智文

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